Six things from 2022

Well, here we are again. Rapidly heading towards the end of the year. Which can mean only one thing…a few reflections on the year just gone. So, with no further delay, six things I’m taking from the last year.

Street Photography

I really feel like my street photography has improved a lot this past year, to the extent that, towards the end of the year, I started to feel it’s becoming my main type of photography. However, I think that’s largely down to the time of year and the type of street photography I’ve enjoyed. As the nights have drawn in, I’ve really enjoyed shooting on the streets in the evenings. I tend to find so many more opportunities than during the daytime to create interesting photos. I think this particularly comes down to a combination of the vibe at night, but also that there are great opportunities for more interesting and abstract photography than during the day. For example, in winter the cold evenings and warm interiors often leads to condensation on bar/restaurant/cafe windows which, for me, makes for some interesting abstract photos. Of course, some times evening shoots can leave you going home empty-handed. The reliance on light and, from my point of view, striking a balance between too many people and too few, can make some evening photowalks a bit of a drag. But when they pay off, they seem to really pay off.

I’m also finding with my night street photography that I am a bit more adventurous with my edits. Pushing it a little outside the realms of what it looked like in the moment. I’ve been pretty chuffed to have a few people make reference to “blade runner” in relation to my night photography, which is a huge compliment to me as it’s one of my favourite films. Obviously, the streets of East Kent bear no relation to the street scenes in Ridley Scott’s masterpiece, but pushing those edits so they resemble that kind of imagery does, I think, give that extra atmosphere that my daytime street photography often lacks.

Autumn Photography

It’s become somewhat of a ritual now…as we enter October and peak autumnal colours, every single weekend is spent at the local woods, looking for compositions and hoping to capture those beautiful, vivid autumn colours. It’s fairly typical for me to spend about 3-4 hours in the woods every Sunday at this time of year. Far more time than I would ordinarily spend and, to be fair, pretty much at the limits of what I can get away with without creating an issue at home. There’s no better place to be, in my mind, if you want to be out taking photos in the autumn, than the woods. And if you get some fog or mist thrown into the mix too…even better!

This year, I have really felt that my woodland photography has improved a lot. Every year I feel I am making progress, but this year in particular I came home with a host of autumn woodland photographs that I was really proud of. I think part of this comes down to better editing, but I also think my composition has improved and the technical aspects have improved too. Of course, we’re all on a journey of improvement so I suspect I will feel that next year’s are better than this year’s but nonetheless, I am certainly happy with what I’ve taken in 2022.

Film Photography

This year I’ve also rediscovered film photography. Ok, it’s with a point and shoot camera, but it’s been interesting using the Mju II again after 20 years. There’s been a lot to [re]learn about shooting with film, not least the “decisive moment”, but it has been an enjoyable experience so far. For now, the Mju II is purely a carry-around camera when I’m travelling to and from work. Picking up on opportunities as and when I stumble upon them. I try not to be trigger happy (it’s too expensive to be firing away left, right and centre after all), and really try to pick my moments. It’s been a challenge learning not to shoot too early, and not to shoot too late. But it has been fun and I have been pleased with some of the results whilst I figure it all out. A second film has just been completed and is due to be sent for processing…let’s see how that turns out.

Fuji 33mm f1.4

This is, without doubt, the most expensive lens I have ever bought, and it’s been worth every penny. Having started getting into some low light street photography, I began to feel like a 1.4 lens would be a good move. I took a look at a few options, including the classic Fuji 35mm 1.4, but in the end I decided to go for the brand new 33mm. I don’t regret it for an instant. It’s been a fantastic lens so far, at a focal length I really enjoy working with (not least because it means I can take a few steps back from my subject). Since buying it, my other Fuji lenses (the 23mm f2 and 35mm f2) have barely got a look in. In fact, I’m already mulling over the 16mm 1.4 or 18mm 1.4 to compliment it when I’m out on the streets. I won’t get either any time soon, but either one of those are definitely on my wishlist.

As for the 33mm, it’s incredibly sharp and although it’s a fair bit bigger than the f2s, it’s not a chore to carry around. I’ve happily shot with it all day long and not had a problem. I’m not one for fixating on gear, but it’s certainly one of those lenses where you just want to get out and use it. When a piece of kit makes you want to go out and take photos, you know it’s a winner.

Getting back into blogging

I’ve been blogging in various guises now for just short of twenty years. But I’ve really dropped the habit in recent years. Time was I used to almost blog daily. Surprisingly, kids coming along kinda had an impact on that, and as they grew older, I spent less and less time sitting down at a computer for an hour or two and writing whatever I wanted to write. With the advent of opening an online store, I realise now that it might be helpful to start blogging more regularly, not just to share my photography and my thoughts on photography, but also to help promote this website, draw in traffic and all that yucky marketing stuff which comes with selling products. And so here I am, blogging more regularly. I’m aiming to make 8pm on a Wednesday my standard blog post publishing time, and will promote these posts on all the usual social media platforms. Any shares, likes or subscriptions to my blog would be welcome of course!

Online Store

Of course the biggest deal for me this year was opening a store selling prints. It’s not something I want to get too hung up about, it’s just there to highlight what I consider my “best” work and make it easier for people who would like to purchase a print. Ultimately, I don’t want to pressure myself into making it a big deal, so it’s there, people can buy prints, I’ll promote it periodically, but I won’t stress if I don’t sell [m]any. Let’s see if I sell any from the store in 2023!

And with that…onward to 2023. Hope you all have a great new year and the very best wishes for 2023.

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

So I decided to write a blog post. I’ve not been doing too well on that recently. A quick look back shows that I kinda abandoned my posts on a trip to Spain after Part I. That’s not the best is it? It begs the question what is the point of having a blog if I don’t ever use it. So, I’m going to use it more. There. Straight off the bat. One New Year’s resolution established and committed to. I will blog more regularly.

This year I have been doing a lot of looking back. With my mother passing away in February, it’s only natural to spend a lot of time reflecting on the past. I don’t want to do that too much here. I’ve spoken about my mother and life and so on elsewhere, but it is important to acknowledge the sheer weight of the loss upon all aspects of my life, and the extent to which it continues to have an impact.

Looking back over the year in terms of my photography and I really feel like I’ve taken some big leaps forwards. Investing in some new gear (like, filters and stuff) has certainly helped to a degree, but the biggest impact has been the various YouTube channels I subscribe to. I’ve learnt so much from Thomas Heaton and Nigel Danson (for starters) that I feel like I have really come on in terms of technique and skills over the course of the year. I’m thinking about my compositions far more than I was in 2017. Now it’s much less a case of pointing and clicking, and far more thought around the composition of images (I still have some way to go obvs).

Samphire How at sunset…with strategically placed sheep. Good work, sheep.

I’ve also pushed myself to try out things that I would never have been comfortable with in the past. Street portraits, for a start, were something I’d never have considered before, either because of the sheer fear of approaching strangers, or because of my concerns around privacy (which is a bit of a thing for me). Ok the results weren’t spectacular, but I was fairly happy with the images I got and I’ve learnt a bit more about taking portraits, something that isn’t something I’m generally that into.

I’ve also been getting my head around using an ultra wide-angle lens and thinking more about how I can put together interesting compositions using it. Alongside investment in some graduated neutral density filters, I feel like my landscape photos are getting better, I’m much happier with the images I’ve produced in 2018. I guess the fact I’ve printed some out, slapped them into framwes and chucked them on a couple of walls in the house says it all. My technique has definitely improved too. Rather than just flicking it onto auto-focus, I’m getting used to manual focus with live view to ensure photos are as sharp as they can be (or sometimes relying on auto-focus but also using live view to get the focus just right).

Reculver Towers at sunrise…one of two slapped in a frame during 2018 and hung in our house.

So, what next…?

I was fortunate to get a 10 stop Cokin filter, which I’m looking forward to chucking in front of my wide-angle lens and capturing some smooth long exposure coastal scenes, as well as a polariser (also for the wide-angle lens) for that glare suppression and blue sky popping.

I’ve also been mulling over more broadly some things I should look into doing in 2019 to take things a step further. Here are a few things floating around my head…

1) Do more video work - I have mixed thoughts about this. I have a (currently dormant) YouTube channel that I’d like to start using more of, but I’m conscious I don’t have the equipment (or confidence!) that many YouTube photographers have at their disposal. So jury is out on whether I will actually do anything on this in 2019. That said, one of the things I was looking forward to once I bagged the new iPhone XR was to play with video. We’ll see…

2) More street photography - I definitely want to do more of this after dipping my toes in the water in 2018. I feel I’ve got a bit more confidence now in tackling this kind of photography, I need to hone my skills quite a bit more, so I guess that means pushing myself out into the streets with a camera in hand…

3) Print more - I have a small Canon Selphy CP1300 at home which I’ve used fairly frequently (mainly for casual family pictures). But I’ve rarely printed and framed. I want to do more printing, chucking stuff in frames, small albums, little scrapbook type things…more physical, not just throwing everything online and being done with it.

4) Blog more - So if the video thing doesn’t happen (SPOILER ALERT: it won’t), the other thing I’ve been intending to do this year is to post more regularly, like…once a week. A weekly blog. On a specific day. A bit like all those great vlogs I watch that are released on a weekly/bi-weekly schedule. I’m going to do the same. I’m going to go out on photo trips at weekends, do a write-up, post it. Job done. I figure it’ll help me learn, bit of reflective writing and all that. And maybe it will be useful to others that are thinking of picking up a camera and start playing around with it. I think I might just do that. BLOGGING. IT’S BACK.

5) Discover new locations - I need to do this. Try out a few new places. Now I have a phone with a GPS thingy that actually works (SAY WHAT NOW?!), I might go out and explore a little more. Go beyond my usual locations. Try something new. Keep it fresh. Because, you know, same locations time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time…well, you know…

6) Oh yeah, 365 Project type stuff - Ok, normally this kind of thing isn’t really my bag. I’m not hugely into commitments over a long period of time (well, there are exceptions…)…routine gets a bit tiresome for me. But I have been persuaded to the 365 photo project the year. I’m having a crack at it, but don’t hold your breath I’ll last more than a month (tbh a week will be quite something). You can find my half-arsed 365 effort on Instagram at captureyield365 (yeah, imaginative innit).

So yeah, let’s see how this all goes. One thing is for certain, I don’t want to stand still. Well, unless that works for the composition anyway…

Happy 2019!