Daffodils never used to interest me that much. I used to think they were fairly boring flowers. Mind you, to be fair, I was never really much into gardening and plants in general anyway. That seems to have changed in recent years, and I’ve become more and more interested in the garden and making it look nice. I guess that’s maturity for you…
A couple years back I planted a few different types of daffodil (I didn’t know there were so many varieties), and they’re really started to come along, so much so I was able to take a few from the garden and plonk them in a vase. What have I become?
Anyway, one thing I’ve also never really got into is still life photography. It’s not something I have the patience for and, to be fair, I probably lack appropriate equipment in the house to do it well. That said, with some newly cut daffodils in a vase, I decided I just at least try. So I grabbed whatever I could use as a plain black background (I wanted to darken the background and make the colour really pop), settling for a black folder and a black slip case for a book. All delicately set up, I took a few shots. Some traditional still life, some abstract. What the hell, a chage is as good as a rest and all that.
I’ve posted some shots below. Obviously don’t want to post loads, there’s only so many before it gets boring, so I picked out a few favourites. Let me know what you think!