About me

Image c/o Aga McPherson (@girl_in_a_yellow_jacket)


My name is Ian, I'm an academic librarian and an amateur photographer with a particular interest in city, landscape and abstract photography.

I've been interested in photography for as long as I can remember, playing around with cameras since primary school. My first job was in the photographic department of a well known high street chemists. Despite this long-held interest, and taking the plunge with a DSLR about five years ago (a Nikon D3200), it was only at the beginning of 2017 that I started to learn how to take photos in full manual mode (turns out some new year's pledges are worthwhile!).

Since getting to grips with apertures, shutter speeds and ISOs, I've tried to take my photography further, step-by-step. I now shoot with a Nikon D7200 and a Fuji XT-3, and I’m still learning and developing my craft.

You can find me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using the links below or you can use the contact form to drop me a line.

If you want to check out my reading, my library is here.